The Risks of Unvetted Offshore IT Support – A Cautionary Tale

You hire an IT contractor. Then, you discover they’re actually a North Korean hacker. They are stealing company data while sending cheerful updates. That’s precisely what occurred recently. It reminds us all of the growing risks linked to offshore IT support. It also highlights the dangers of unvetted employees.

At Equate Group, we take these risks seriously. All our employees are based close to HQ. They undergo CRB checks. They also join in daily all-hands meetings. Remote users must have cameras on. In today’s world, proper employee screening is critical—if you want to avoid your next IT hire being a security nightmare.

Why Offshore IT Support Can Be a Costly Mistake

Hiring offshore IT services often seems like a brilliant idea—saving money while getting work done remotely. But, as many businesses have learned the hard way, cheaper isn’t always better. Especially when your new IT contractor turns out to be working for a rogue nation and siphoning off your data.

Take, for example, the case of a company that unknowingly hired a North Korean hacker. This cybercriminal worked for the company for four months. He used remote access tools to steal sensitive data. Then he hit the business with a six-figure ransom demand. Sound like a nightmare? That’s because it is.

Real-World Example: The North Korean IT Worker Scam

This wasn’t a one-off incident either. Since 2022, experts have been waving red flags about North Korean operatives posing as remote IT contractors. They’ve infiltrated companies, faked resumes, and caused serious breaches. Even major companies, including KnowBe4, a cybersecurity firm, hired an IT worker. This worker promptly began installing malware once they gained access to the systems.

Do you really want to be next?

The Real Dangers of Offshore and Nearshore IT Support

Opting for offshore IT outsourcing or even nearshore support can be a massive gamble. Here’s why:

  1. Unreliable Background Checks: Verifying the credentials of offshore workers is challenging. This is particularly true in countries where you can’t easily access records. Additionally, contacting reliable references is difficult.
  2. Jurisdictional Issues: When things go wrong, your legal options are limited. It’s difficult to pursue a rogue contractor in a country with no extradition treaty or effective cybercrime laws.
  3. Insider Threats: Once you give access to your network infrastructure or sensitive data, these contractors can exploit your trust. This can cause irreparable damage.
  4. Remote Work Oversight: Even in nearshore IT support arrangements, workers are geographically closer. Nevertheless, the lack of real-time supervision makes it easier for malicious actors to go unnoticed.

Protecting Your Business: A Better Way

At Equate, we know that security starts with vetting employees properly and monitoring access to your systems. Our team lives near our HQ, ensuring we have face-to-face relationships with our staff. Every employee passes a CRB check, and we keep transparency through daily all-hands meetings with cameras on. Because, honestly, if someone won’t show their face, what else they be hiding?

Here are some critical steps your business can take:

  • Implement Comprehensive Screening: Whether you’re hiring onshore or offshore, background checks are essential. Verify employment history, check references, and confirm qualifications—don’t take resumes at face value.
  • Monitor Remote Workers: Tools that track access and activity are crucial. They help keep tabs on what remote workers are doing with your systems. Set up alerts for suspicious behaviour, like large data downloads or unauthorised access attempts.
  • Limit Access Rights: Don’t give full access to your IT infrastructure unless it’s absolutely necessary. Keep permissions as restrictive as possible and regularly audit access rights.
  • Incident Response Plan: If you suspect you’ve hired a rogue contractor, having an immediate action plan is critical. This includes cutting off access to systems and ensuring that sensitive data remains secure.

Why Equate Is Different

At Equate Group, we’re committed to security and transparency. All of our staff live locally, so we can keep close tabs on who has access to sensitive information. Each employee passes a stringent CRB check. This ensures they’re trustworthy. Everyone takes part in daily all-hands meetings with cameras on. This practice ensures accountability. In short, we know exactly who’s handling your IT systems—no hidden faces, no surprises.

Conclusion: Don’t Gamble With Your Business

The allure of offshore IT outsourcing seems tempting when you’re looking to save on costs. But as companies hit with cyber breaches have learned, that bargain comes with a hefty price tag.

By sticking to local hires, you can avoid costly mistakes. Invest in proper employee screening to enhance security. Also, stay vigilant with remote work monitoring to keep your business secure.

If you’re serious about securing your business against insider threats, data breaches, and rogue IT contractors, contact Equate Group today. Let’s keep your IT infrastructure safe and sound. We offer trusted, accountable professionals. They won’t send your data halfway across the globe for ransom. And we will always turn up to meetings with our Cameras on.